ESED. Cyber Security & IT Solutions

Kit Consulting

Benefit from the support for SMEs in advisory and consultancy services for the digital transformation of your company


Kit Consulting

Take advantage of the aid program from the Government of Spain, included in the "Next Generation EU" funds, for the digitalization of your business. If you meet the conditions established in the rules of the Kit Consulting Program call, you will be eligible for a Digital Advisory Voucher, which will grant you access to advisory services.

What is the maximum subsidizable amount you can apply for?

Below, we present the maximum subsidy amount, which will depend on the size of your company.

Diseño sin título (7)-1

Choose the advisory services from the Kit Consulting Program that best suit your company's needs. It is important to note that, in order to access certain advisory services, you must first complete the corresponding basic service.

ESED offers the following advisory services associated with the Kit Consulting program

Cybersecurity Advisory Service (Basic)

For SMEs that do not have basic protection or, even if they do, lack a cybersecurity plan tailored to their business activities for implementation

  • Assess the current state of your SME in relation to risks, identifying the most valuable assets and data for your business.

  • Ensure the continuity of your SME against potential security incidents, minimizing the risk of business activity disruptions.

  • Develop and provide a detailed response plan for security breaches, defining specific protocols and actions in case of a cyberattack.

  • Collaborate with you to define and establish a personalized short- and medium-term cybersecurity strategy.

  • Comply with security regulations and standards related to data protection and information security.

  • Prepare the basic documentation for the implementation of an ISMS (ISO 27001 and ENS medium-high) for a core service offered to clients or public administrations.

  • Develop and execute a use case tailored to your SME using appropriate techniques in the field of cybersecurity.

  • Identify opportunities or potential uses of AI in the field of cybersecurity.

Amount of the aid:
For companies with between 10 and fewer than 50 employees: 6.000 euros. 
For companies with between 50 and fewer than 100 employees: 6.000 euros.
For companies with between 100 and fewer than 250 employees: 6.000 euros.

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Advanced Cybersecurity Advisory Service

For companies that have basic protection and a cybersecurity plan but want to enhance and explore more advanced protection systems

  • Analyze and perform penetration tests and vulnerability assessments on your SME, understanding the technological and operational environment in which you operate.

  • Implement cybersecurity procedures and tools for the daily management of your SME, allowing you to prevent, detect, and respond to threats.

  • Proactively protect your SME against targeted attacks on data, enhancing resilience and response capability to threats.

  • Raise awareness among your employees about the importance of cybersecurity and foster an organizational culture focused on cybersecurity and risk management.

  • Identify opportunities or potential uses of AI in the field of cybersecurity.

  • Develop and execute a use case tailored to your SME using appropriate techniques in the area of cybersecurity.

Amount of the aid:
For companies with between 10 and fewer than 50 employees: 6.000 euros. 
For companies with between 50 and fewer than 100 employees: 6.000 euros.
For companies with between 100 and fewer than 250 employees: 6.000 euros.

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Cybersecurity Advisory Service (Certification Preparation)

For companies that already have basic security protection, an adapted plan, and the basic documentation structure for an ISMS. We assist with the implementation of advanced protection systems, leveraging artificial intelligence capabilities, and preparing you for presenting your ISMS for certification

  • Analyze and perform penetration tests and vulnerability assessments on your SME, understanding the technological and operational environment in which you operate.

  • Review your cybersecurity policies, plans, and procedures, identifying deficiencies and areas for improvement.

  • Proactively protect your SME against targeted attacks on data, enhancing resilience and response capability to threats.

  • Raise awareness among your employees about the importance of cybersecurity and foster an organizational culture focused on cybersecurity and risk management.

  • Prepare the documentation needed for presenting your ISMS for certification of a core service offered to clients or public administrations (ISO 27001 and ENS medium-high, according to the CCN-STIC 825 Guide). Certification is not included.

  • Develop and execute a use case tailored to your SME using appropriate techniques in the field of cybersecurity.

Amount of the aid:
For companies with between 10 and fewer than 50 employees: 6.000 euros. 
For companies with between 50 and fewer than 100 employees: 6.000 euros.
For companies with between 100 and fewer than 250 employees: 6.000 euros.

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"360" Digital Transformation Advisory Service

We offer advisory services for the digital transformation of your SME, providing solutions tailored to your specific needs.

  • Analyze existing business processes to identify areas of your SME that could benefit from digitalization.

  • Design and implement awareness programs to educate your employees about the strategic importance of digital transformation.

  • Evaluate the tools and technologies currently in use, providing guidance to optimize their performance and align them with your digital transformation goals.

  • Develop a clear and personalized strategy outlining objectives, timelines, and specific steps for digital transformation.

  • Establish a framework for continuous innovation and adaptability as digital technologies evolve.

  • Develop and execute a use case tailored to the business, using appropriate techniques to demonstrate the benefits of utilizing digital tools.

  • Identify opportunities or potential applications of AI in the realm of digital transformation.

Amount of the aid:
For companies with between 10 and fewer than 50 employees: 6.000 euros. 
For companies with between 50 and fewer than 100 employees: 6.000 euros.
For companies with between 100 and fewer than 250 employees: 6.000 euros. 

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Consult us for free.

Tell us about your situation and your company's needs, and we will provide you with free, no-obligation advice.